Prior to performance:
- Know your music and choreographies really well, to the
point where you can dance them without the music. Practice
back up plans, for example if you have incorporated a sword
balancing part or veil item and you end up performing in a
windy outdoor venue. Consider entrance moves that can be executed
on the spot or as traveling steps, so you can easily adapt
your pieces to smaller or larger venues.
- Always try and inspect the venue prior to performance if
possible. Take a digital camera if you have access to one
to take photos of the venue to look at later to plan entrances,
exits. Also useful if you are dancing as a group to assess
the space. Pace out the performance area and make notes at
the venue of measurements, space or obstacles. Note the dance
surface and suitability for your footwear.
- Have a checklist of areas that you need to cover with the
client prior to performance such as an area to get changed,
contact mobile phone number on the night, type of sound system,
terms of payment, address, time, special requirements.
- Consider giving the client a verbal outline of your performance,
particularly if you are using swords, fire or veils.
- Have a dance bag ready and prepacked. Include in it: Safety
pins, spare CD (in an original format not a copy), small towel,
snack, spare flat shoes (important if you dance in heels as
the surface may not be suitable for heels if it is an outdoor
venue), water bottle, something to stand on or slip on shoes
to wear to get changed (particularly useful if you are in
a toilet!) rescue remedy, basic makeup items.
- Develop a checklist to check as you race out the door to
a performance, even including obvious items such as costume,
veil and shoes.
- Wear a heavier perfume than usual and use a good anti perspirant.
( I am not generally a fan of anti perspirants on a daily
basis but for dance performance they are very useful)
- Have a small but solid meal about 2-3 hours before you
perform. My favorite is a bowl of cheesey mashed potatoes
as they are slow burning energy and easy to digest on a nervous
- On the day of performance drink lots of water during the
day to avoid dehydration that evening
- Practice your whole routine in costume the day before including
hair pieces, jewelry, shoes and the performance veil. Check
that nothing catches or falls off. |