An overview of a class with Kimberley from
a beginner student/journalist with no prior knowledge of the
dance. Appeared in Dash Magazine, |
At a Turkish restaurant only a matter of weeks ago, under
the rowdy encouragement of twenty or so friends, it was decided
that as the ‘Birthday Princess’ I should be the
one who had to ‘shake her groove thing’ with the
Belly Dancer performing that night. As I’ve said before,
after a couple of wines I’m convinced of my dancing
legend status, so I wasn’t too phased to follow the
lead of the shimmying beauty and get my hips shaking. Apparently,
as I found out when I ventured along to the Parnell Community
Centre for my initiation into the world of belly dancing,
my attempts at the restaurant were clearly not going to cut
the mustard. |
My friend Kim and I arrived at the Jubilee Building, in
Auckland’s Parnell, in fits of laughter as we nervously
anticipated being caught on camera making complete fools of
ourselves – yet again. I was pretty sure Belly Dancing
was going to make me feel about as seductive as baked beans
on toast, but as soon as Kimberley our instructor walked into
the room my skepticism began to fade. When I later asked my
dancing buddy Kim how she had found the class, her most resounding
comment was that Kimberley was just so professional that you
couldn’t help but feel at ease and take this most alluring
of dances seriously. Not only that, but the class which we
attended had such a positive, warm vibe that it made you feel
as though you could express yourself physically in a safe
environment where no one would be judged.
Belly dancing is quite possibly one of the only physical
activities that utterly embraces a women’s completely
natural form. What I mean in saying this is that it doesn’t
matter what shape or size or age you are, you can appreciate
your body and make the most of what it naturally is –
and the more you jiggle the better! No matter who you are,
you are going to leave that class feeling not only self-confident,
sensual and feminine, but also empowered, centered and invigorated.
Our statuesque teacher started the evening by running us
through the format the class would take that night. Kim and
I came for the second class of the 8 week course that Kimberley
runs. Evidently, there are classes throughout the country
that you can attend on a casual basis if that suits you better,
but this course sounds very comprehensive, covering areas
of the dance such as dance walk and posture, arms, isolations,
shimmies and veil work. Kimberley says that this means her
students are provided with tools to not only enable them to
perform the dance confidently but to also develop a ‘stronger
sense of rhythm and body awareness’.
The class for the evening was focused on arm movements, but
started off recapping the dance walk and posture class from
the week before. This probably doesn’t sound that scintillating,
but I can assure you that once the Middle Eastern music starts
playing it’s a good way to start feeling the undeniable
rhythm of this very soulful music and to warm your body up.
The walks and basic foot patterns set a firm base to build shimmies
and arm movements onto, whilst ensuring you understand the importance
of placing your body weight firmly through the different areas
of your soles to give stability and support. |
Actually, the arm movements were the most startling revelation
of all – even after the half hour crash course in shimmies
and hip movements Kimberley gave me following the class. What
I had never realised is the strength you need to focus in your
arms to produce the correct look. Kimberley explained that as
you raise your arms the best thing to do is imagine you have
someone standing behind you pushing your arms in the opposite
direction. The result of this is to create tension and resistance
in your arms as you raise them and therefore gives the movements
definition and strength. A simple exercise of standing in front
of the mirror and lifting your arms naturally and then again
with this resistance will prove the point. |
After half an hour of following Kimberly’s lead you
could see why she is in such good shape – this gives you
one heck of a work out! Keep this up and your back will soon
be sculptured and you arms toned. Not only that but your posture
will improve and subsequently, I would imagine, so too your
confidence. My favourite ‘arms’ were “Snake
Arms” which involves holding your arms out to the sides
at shoulder level and then rolling your shoulders back alternately
with slightly bent elbows. Oo la la! The trickiest move for
the night? ‘Candles’ – where you are supposed
to work your way up to dancing with lit candles that you revolve
around your body on your palms. |
By the end of the two hour class we were working in pairs
putting together our personalised arm sequences and mirroring
each others actions. Kim and I dissolved into laughter as we
decided the building would be on fire after our feeble attempts
at the candle arms in the event that they were lit, but we finally
managed to produce something that looked half way decent by
the end of it all. |
The exciting bit of the night for me was the overview of the
course Kimberley ran me through at the end, as I got to use
the ‘props’! Kimberly provided me with a hip scarf
with countless Turkish coins stitched to it – similar
to what she had been wearing all evening. Then she led me through
some shimmies that absolutely came to life with the rustling
coins, followed by instruction for performing figures of eight
with your hips. Very exotic. Next Kimberley gave me a veil and
explained how to hold the ends between your fingers and use
it to enhance all the arm movements we had learnt that evening.
This was just fantastic. Apparently Kimberley dances with swords
and finger cymbals as well. |
So as Kim and I were driving home the subject of discussion
was naturally whether or not to do the whole course in the future.
The only real consideration is making time for this - because
2 hours each week for 8 weeks is quite a commitment. But about
50% of the class we attended were signed up for their second
course, so the only conclusion can be that all of these very
different women must be getting something pretty special out
of it. If I were to hazard a guess at what that special thing
would be, I’m hard pressed to know where to start. Confidence?
Relaxation? Exercise? Rhythm? Or maybe it’s just down
to the fact that it makes you feel absolutely irresistible.
If it's just one of these, or all of the above, its gotta be
good for you. |